How to Sign Up With CUR8 - New User and New Organization

  • Updated

Welcome to CUR8!


Who is considered to be a new user?

We define a New User as someone who does not already have an CUR8 login.

If you have an existing CUR8 login with an existing Organization, we highly recommend joining other Organizations from your existing CUR8 login. The organizational power and flexibility of CUR8 is best used from a single account with multiple organizations - all projects, ticketing, permissions, and financial information are kept completely separate while schedule and communications can be viewed across multiple organizations for ease of use.

Remember, this login is your personal login and should not be affiliated with single organization.


Step by Step Instructions for Signing Up with CUR8

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  • Enter the phone number or email address you'd like to use for login.
  • Select Let's Go 
    • Once you're logged in, you can add the additional contact method as well.
    • Especially if you're affiliated with a school or with a high security domain we recommend using a phone number, or at least having it as an option.


Two Step Verification

  • Before we create your account, we need to verify that the phone or email you entered is valid as this form of contact will be used for future logins.
  • A 6 digit alphanumeric number is sent to either your phone or email, whichever you entered at login.
  • Enter the code text into the verification box and select Submit.
  • Once you've created your account with us, this is the same process for logging into CUR8 - you'll enter a form of contact information and receive a verification code

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  • Once you've submitted your Two Step Verification, you'll be prompted to select what you want to do. For creating a new CUR8 account, you'll want to select the second option.
  • Select Create New Organization

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Organization Sign Up

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  • The next page is your Organization's Billing Contact
    • This person may not be you - this may be someone else in your organization. An accountant, school treasurer, etc. 
    • This person is also a primary contact for this account.
    • This person receives funds and account-level notifications. They do not automatically have a CUR8 login.
  • Once completed, select Next Step in the bottom right.


Account Admin Creation

  • This page creates your login information.
  • Enter your first name and last name.
  • Please enter a secondary form of communication.
  • Enter your birthday - you must be over 13 to use CUR8 without a guardian.
    • You can opt into having your birthdate displayed to admins - this is just a birthday calendar for Organization's management.

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  • Select Almost There!


Join Code & Ticket Purchase URL

Two final, but essential pieces of information for creating an organization.

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  • Join Code
    • This code is shared with all users you'd like to join your organization on CUR8. This can be students, management staff, volunteers, box office, administration, board of directors, etc. 
    • Learn more about the Join Code
  • Ticket Purchase URL Suffix
    • This URL suffix creates your organization's unique URL.
    • This Organization URL will direct attendees to all of your projects for event dates or fee purchases.
    • FYI: We do offer individual project specific URLs.
  • Last, you must agree to CUR8's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Check the box if you agree and choose Sign Up in the lower right corner.

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You've created your CUR8 account. You should be immediately directed into your new CUR8 account. You'll be directed to take a quick introduction tour of CUR8. It's a great way to get oriented with our site.

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Also, please feel free to schedule a Guide Tour with our team.