Star mC-Print Printer Installation for Windows (network)

  • Updated

These instructions help you set up your Star MC series printer as a network-connected printer for your Windows 10 computer. To print using a USB connection with a single computer, click here for installation instructions (Windows devices).


Installation Instructions

  • Power on your printer and load paper as shown in the video below:
  • Download drivers from the Star Support Website
  • Select Star Windows Software and this will take you to Star Windows Software download page. Download the full version.
  • Install the drivers (Setup folder, SETUP)
  • Connect the printer to your router using LAN connector

Self Print Test

  • Print Self-printing test from the printer by holding Feed button and pressing Power button.
  • Hold the Feed button until the Self-printing test starts, it may take a few seconds. 


  • On the Self-printing test, you will find the printer's IP Address at the bottom of the second receipt under "Current IP Parameters Status" -> IP Address:


  • Go into your browser and type this IP address
  • Log in using username “root” and password “public.” (you will be required to create a new root password. Be sure to store it securely)
  • You can assign a static IP Address to your printer or leave it as dynamic using the IP Parameters menu.
  • Set up an SSL Certificate on the printer
  • Go back to SSL/TSL/Create a self-signed certificate by
    • typing the Printer IP address into your browser
    • logging in
    • going into the menu SSL/TLS > Create Self-signed Certificate
  • Select Download at the bottom of the screen
  • Install the certificate on your computer by clicking on it.
  • Install the certificate in your browser. Make sure that you install the certificate and place it in your trusted certificates.

Connecting Printer to CUR8

  • Restart your browser to make sure the changes are effective
  • Login to your CUR8 account.
  • Go to Org Menu, choose Preferences/Settings, then Equipment, and select Star Printers.
  • Choose the Add A New Star Printer button.
  • Name the printer and label the printer with the same name.
  • Enter the Printer IP address from the above self printing test, and include https:// before your printer IP address.
  • Save the new Printer. You can select Make Default.
  • You can now Print using the Star Print buttons for tickets, coupons, and flex passes.
  • To print, you need to leave your printer connected to your network via ethernet cable, but you no longer need USB connected.