Learn About the Accounting Dashboard

  • Updated

The Accounting Dashboard is your Organization's accounting overview - where you can view and reconcile payout history, project balances, and donation balances.


Where do I view my organization's Accounting Dashboard?

To access your Accounting Dashboard: log in to CUR8, navigate to the Organization Menu (three lines in the upper left corner), select your Organization Name, go to Accounting, and then choose Accounting Dashboard.

Only CUR8 users with Admin Permission from a specific organization can view the Accounting Dashboard.


How often is the Accounting Dashboard updated?

Your Accounting Dashboard will update once over night. Underneath Total Balance, we display the date/time that all accounting data is current through.

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Reports for specific, individual projects are up to the minute. 


Account Dashboard Navigation

  • Balances As Of Date: You can view your Account Balance on a given day. While you can view previous dates, this drop-down menu does not backdate any reporting.

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  • Activity Section:
    • The right sidebar has a Payouts/Active Funds toggle that lets you switch between current projects and disbursement history.
    • Under Project Name, you can click on any Project name to see an Event Account Report
    • Select Donation to download a CSV of your entire Donation History.

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  • Project History Report: A button at the bottom of the page provides a line-by-line report of all reconciled disbursements for your Organization, showing each individual payout reconciled.
    • This is not a summary by project or a summary by the payout.


Accounting Dashboard Terms Explained

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  • Total Balance:
    • Active funds + Settled Funds (electronic deposit only)
    • Payouts in transit (electronic deposit only)
  • Active Funds: This is the current open balance of projects and donations.
    • projects currently with open sales
    • projects that are in their 60-day hold
    • current donation balance
    • If a credit card dispute occurs or refund is authorized, this will impact this active fund amount
  • Settled Funds (electronic deposit only): If your organization has set up electronic deposits, the online sales (credit card and POS Terminal) and donations from that day are batched and placed into your settled funds for payout to your bank account based on your chosen disbursement schedule (daily, weekly, monthly).
  • Payout in transit (electronic deposit only): If your organization has set up electronic deposits, payouts are in transit to your bank (typically 24 hours). When reconciling, it is recommended that you confirm these funds are not in your bank account, as the update of funds delivered to CUR8 can take 24 hours.
  • Balances as of:
    • Changing the date will show balances through (including) the chosen date.
    • If no date is selected, the date will default to today to show real-time balances.
    • This feature is great for reconciling and closing books.
    • The money you have already received plus your "Total Balance" on a given day will equal all sales through the date entered.


What is Activity?

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  • Activity is a list that includes all projects with open sales and projects in their 60-day hold period, as well as the current balance of your donation account.
  • In this section, you can toggle between Active Funds and Payouts.

          Active Funds

  • Selecting a Project Name will download that Project's Event Account Report, which contains detailed accounting information.
  • Selecting Donation from this list will download the Donation Report with detailed information on donations.


The payout view will be determined by the type of payout election your organization has selected. 

  • Electronic Stripe Deposit

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  • Hard Check at Closing

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My Accounting Dashboard says I need to submit a W9?

If you see this note, you must submit a W9 to CUR8 before payment can be issued.Screenshot 2024-09-04 at 12.11.29 PM.png

Why does CUR8 need a W9 and where should I submit it?



What is a Global Accounting Dashboard?

If you see this option in your organization menu - you're a power user for CUR8! Access to the Global Accounting Dashboard means you are an administrator on multiple Organization's accounts. Therefore, you can see an overview of all your organization's balances in one view.