How to Create a FlexPass

  • Updated

CUR8 Tip: Before creating a FlexPass, it's helpful to have already created all the Projects you want to include with the FlexPass. 


Getting Started 

  • Login to your CUR8 Account.
    • You must be an Admin or a Project Creator to create a FlexPass.
  • In the header with your organization's name, select Create New Project
  • Next, you'll be in the Let's Get Started section of your Project
  • Make sure you have an Organization selected in your secondary filter
    • In the example below, you'll see Curate Theatre as the selected Organization

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  • Using the drop-down menu, change Type from Live Event to FlexPass
  • You'll be taken to the FlexPass Creation page


FlexPass Creation

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  • Complete the required fields
    • Including the name of the Flexpass.
    • Contact Email and Phone
    • Please note that several of these will appear during the purchase process and on FlexPass tickets.
  • While description isn't required, explaining what you're offering to your customers is helpful.
  • Decide who pays the CUR8 service fee: your Organization or the Customer.
    • One FlexPass is the same as one ticket for fee purposes.

How Many FlexPasses?

  • Enter how many FlexPasses are available for purchase.
    • This is the number of FlexPasses that can be purchased overall.
    • Not the number of tickets each FlexPass is worth.
  • Choose how many tickets can be redeemed with each FlexPass.
    • This is the number of tickets each FlexPass is worth.


If you want to offer a total of 50 FlexPasses, with each FlexPass being worth 10 tickets, then you'll enter x50 into the first field and x10 into the second field.

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Enter Pricing

You can offer multiple tiers such as Adult, Student, Senior, etc. Or Season Subscribers like Gold, Silver, Bronze, etc. You can customize the price names to fit the needs of your FlexPass.


Dates for FlexPass - When Section

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  • Enter your Organization's time zone
  • the Public Sale Start Date and Public Sale End
  • the Box Office Sale End
  • Optional Presale info if applicable

FlexPass Assigned Projects

  • Choose the projects and the associated dates/times of those projects for which you would like to allow this FlexPass to be redeemed.
  • You can select individual dates or the entire project(s) and multiple projects
  • Make sure to select Save in the lower right corner.


Can I add new Projects to an existing FlexPass?


Please remember that any new events you create will not automatically be added to a FlexPass. You must edit the FlexPass and add any new projects you create that you'd like available for redemption with this FlexPass.


Can I view FlexPasses in Ticket Search?


  • Go to the Flexpass Poster you'd like to work with, hover over it, and select the triple-line menu.
  • Select Transaction Search.
  • This will take you to the ticket search view with the FlexPasses already filtered and ready to view.

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