Video Poster Specifications

  • Updated

Video posters are a quick and dynamic way to promote your project. The content can be anything you'd like; it can be a short preview of your event, footage from practice, or a unique and creative marketing approach. You are not required to have a video poster - it's just a bonus option.


Upload the Video Poster to a Project

  • From your Project Landing Page, roll over your project poster.
  • Select the hamburger menu in the bottom left corner of that poster.
  • Click the Video Camera Icon at the top of the icons on the left
  • This will bring up a popup to upload your Video poster.

Screenshot 2024-07-06 at 2.10.57 PM.png

Video Creation Specifications

  • 166w X 252h pix
  • 2.3w X 3.5h 72dpi
  • MP4, MOV, WMV, AVI, and FLV.
  • <50mb
  • Suppose you do not have video editing software to meet the above specifications. In that case, we recommend using a mobile device to create your Virtual Poster, as the ratios and sizes are closer to that of a mobile device in portrait mode.

Create App Options

Resize - if necessary.

Compress Videos and Resize Videos App - Using this app, you can resize to 144 X 256